Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Dropbox equivalent

I'm going to make this post as short and fast as possible because I have a lot of work to do tonight, but I've been wanting to make this post for a while and there's no time like the present. So my dropbox solution involves a few different component: an IPv6 tunneling service (, Debian, rsync, and a little DNS-like system I got running on Google App Engine ( I rsync across three machines, my home server that's always running (Atom netbook), my campus workstation (Core 2 Duo), and my laptop (AMD Fusion A6-3400). So, I usually rsync from my laptop to my netbook and workstation with the following command:

rsync -avz --delete -e ssh documents/ [`curl`]:documents/

the curl command turns into an IPv6 address (miredo takes care of NAT traversal, based off of Teredo, a nice little protocol by Microsoft that never really took off but available on every windows machine since XP). Yes, I'm a genius and if you're thinking otherwise then you're a hater.

Update: dropbox also provides versioning, which I don't have, but I guess I can add that with git, but I guess it's not as user-friendly as web-interface

1 comment:

  1. I just realized how easy it would be for someone to do an SQL injection in my app engine app, but I'm too lazy to do input sanitation, especially in python, I wonder if Google provide an SQL sanitation app engine service for free
